I invite you to hold one hand to your heart and the other to your baby. How do you feel? Strength? Bond? Fear? Anxious? Excited? Calm? Connected?

I help new parents navigate through all walks of parenthood. The Birth Tribe was born to help families transition into these new phases with mindfulness, compassion, and without judgement.

If you feel called to strengthen your connection with your body and your baby I would love to meet you where you are and help you do just that.

Becoming a mother is more than just a physical act.

Hi, Iโ€™m Edna

Hereโ€™s what I offer:

Preparation Classes

Want to feel more confident with what to expect in labor and childbirth? I offer two - Basics of Birth and I am also a HypnoBirthing Practitioner.

Iโ€™ve also created curriculums for Breastfeeding Basics, Siblings, Birth companions, and more. Ask me how I can create a curriculum specifically for your needs.

Lactation Consultation

Want to feel more confident with what to expect in labor and childbirth? I offer two Basics of Birth and I am also a HypnoBirthing Practitioner.

Iโ€™ve also created curriculums for Breastfeeding Basics, Siblings, Birth companions, and more. Ask me how I can create a curriculum specifically for your needs.

Doula Services

Thereโ€™s a space in the room or maybe in your heart that needs to be filled by someone who is knowledgable in childbirth. Someone who will hold space for you, someone who will help keep you calm, maybe someone who will help ensure you feel safe and comfortable.

Letโ€™s talk about how I can be your doula.

Postnatal Massage/Reiki

Additional services like postnatal massage and reiki help complete the support I offer. Whether it is one of these services or both. I want to meet you where you are.

Breastmilk Keepsakes

Have you thought about honoring your lactation journey. I would love to help by creating a keepsake.

Letโ€™s connect on Instagram